Monday, June 22, 2015

High Cost of Cancer Drug: The story as reported on 60 minutes

Not sure if everyone saw the 60 minutes episode this past Sunday, June 22, 2015, about the high price of Cancer Drugs and what doctors are trying to do about it, but I wanted to share it.

The most important thing to know is that chemo drugs are purchased by your oncologists at wholesale and then marked up with large margins.  Some prefer to offer continuous month by month chemo instead of other options like bone marrow transplant, trial drugs, or even nutrition supplements that may offer some help. I understand that some patients don't have a choice, but some do.  I know Todd did, even though the bone marrow transplant option did not work with his disease, I'm glad he sought other options. 

I'm thankful for the research being done and for the drug companies creating the medications, because Todd's health is dependent on them right now!  However, there is a difference between making a healthy profit and making people chose between paying for medication or dying.  It all goes back to the government, how the laws are written, and how they charge Medicaid.

So glad that some doctors are willing to take a stand.  Here is the link:
Stay informed!

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