Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bone Marrow Biopsy Results returned prior to transplant.

Todd's bone marrow transplant doctor sent him a message yesterday, August 22, with his cytogenic results from the bone marrow biopsy he had on August 7, 2014, as part of his staging leading up to the transplant. 

We were shocked to learn that with four rounds of Vidaza, all four of the chromosomal abnormalities/deletions he had been diagnosed with biopsy earlier this year, had been reversed, and that NO deletions were detected on this biopsy.  While we knew this was possible, we were surprised to learn he had responded so well to the chemo.  According to the transplant doctor, this is great news to receive prior to having the bone marrow transplant. 

Not only did the Vidaza help with the deletions, but his blast counts were still down to about 1%.  These results will give Todd ideal conditions going into the transplant.  We are thrilled, but couldn't help to question, "Why should we still do the transplant then?" 

So, I began trying to pull up research on the reversal of chromosomal abnormalities after receiving Azacytidine or Vidaza.  After reviewing some research, I learned that these results are short lived and are dependent upon repetitive use of the drug.  It seems like with those who did achieve some kind of remission, it was only for four to fifteen months before relapse.  Some also suffered from neutropenia, which is low blood counts that require treatment, and others had some long-term side effects from the toxicity of the drug. (Raj and Mufti, 2006:!po=46.9780)    The actual dysplasia of the blood cells that is found with the initial MDS diagnosis are still present in all cases, meaning there is no change with cause of the disease. 

Once again, we feel reassured that Vidaza was a great short-term option for pre-loading before the transplant, but it is not a great long-term solution for Todd's case of MDS.  We still feel like the transplant with his perfect match donor is the best long-term solution for him at his age of 45 and with the progression of his MDS.

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