Monday, November 3, 2014

Day +48: Numbers Increase and Medication decreases

At today's doctor's appointment, Monday, November 3, 2014, Todd's doctor did not have his latest chimerism study results back yet.  It could be as late as Friday before they come back.  So, we won't know the results until next's week's Monday appointment.

The good news is, that even though these results aren't back, his doctor is ready to remove one of his immunosuppressant drugs named Mycophenolate Mofetil (Cellcept) from his medication regime beginning this Friday.  Under normal conditions, this medication is stopped between days +50 and +60.  So, this Friday, will be Day +52.  The removal of this medication will allow for more engraftment of the new bone marrow, but it can also allow Graft versus Host (GvH) Disease to surface.  A little of GvH is good because it allows for the Graft versus Cancer/Leukemia Effect to take out any remaining original bone marrow.  However, a lot of GvH can be dangerous and/or problematic bringing about a host of secondary problems which I have discussed earlier.

We feel good that the results of the chimerism study will show higher percentages of Todd's newly donated and engrafted bone marrow from his brother, because his CBC blood counts continue to increase at a steady pace as shown in his last three results:
                              Hemoglobin       White        ANC        Platelets
October 27                 10.9                3,110        2,190        50,000
October 31                 11.3                3,840        2,740        57,000
November 3               11.6                4,610         u/k           58,000

His potassium and magnesium results have also been high enough not to need infusions.  As a matter of fact, he is allowed to cut back to only 4 slow-release magnesium tablets per day instead of 6.

While any symptoms of GvH would take a week or more to show up, his doctor thinks he may be ready to go home for a weekend visit very soon.  I'm ready!

I'm getting so tired of hotel living.  The noises, thin walls, weird smells coming from neighboring rooms, and the train that decides to blow its whistle when it comes through about 2 am!  Not to mention that I am terribly missing my family and my dog Charlie!  I miss my bed, my pillow, my kitchen with an oven that works properly, and all my kitchen tools that make cooking so much easier!  My poor mom is ready for some relief too!  (God, please  help her to hang in there!).

We praise God for Todd's good health.  We ask that you remember us in your prayers.  This week specifically: That Todd's body will respond positively to the withdrawal of the medication.  That God will give us all patience and forbearance to endure our living situations a few more weeks.  That God will give us direction in our finances, job opportunities, and affordable health care in the months to come.  Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all and continuing to pray for you during your journey. Hugs to you, Kimberley.
