Sunday, November 1, 2015

Day 12 Hospitalized: Feeling Better; Ready to come home

Day 12 Hospitalized: Cleveland Clinic, October 25, 2015
Today was the first day they were able to start the Posaconazole by tablet: 3 tablets.  They also took away the IV Antibiotic Zosyn after his morning dose and will begin the tablet antibiotic Cipro this evening.  They will continue to prescribe this antibiotic after he is released.

Surprisingly, his hemoglobin has been in the tens the last two days; they haven't been this high since pre-transplant I believe.  When I mentioned it to his trial nurse and she said that it is likely that he is a bit dehydrated, his blood no longer full of IV fluids.

About  5:00 p.m., I noticed his cheeks were starting to look red, like a fever was coming on.  So, I went to get his nurse and he wasn't febrile (having or showing the symptoms of a fever), but close at 99.5.  It hadn't got any higher by bedtime, so I think he will be alright.  He ate a bit better today, but of course, with the new antibiotics, he has developed some diarrhea with it.
CBC:  Whites: .69; Hemoglobin: 10.4; Platelets 46,000; ANCs .47
Liver Function:5.8 Total Bilirubin; Alkaline Phosphastase 353; ALT: 129; and AST 84

These numbers seem to be going up, but were in the allowable range for him to take his trial drug. They will want to see these tomorrow and hope that they don't go up. 

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