Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 11 Hospitalized: Stomach upset keeps Todd up

Day 11 Hospitalization: October 24, 2015
CBC: Whites: .57 Hemoglobin: 10.1 ; Platelets: 56,000 ; ANCs: .31
Liver Function: Total Bilirubin:3.8, Alkaline Phosphatase:322 AST:69 ALT: 85

Todd was feeling good.  Last night we stayed up late watching TV and eating/snacking.  We napped a lot through the day to catch up on much needed sleep.  Unfortunately, about 3:30 a.m. Todd woke up with a terrible stomach ache, and we were paging the nurse for something to settle it.  By 4:30 a.m. he was throwing up.  Nothing seemed to help: they tried IV Ativan, since it works like Phenegran.  He tried to take Oxycodone for the stomach pain, but that didn't help either.  The AG221 drug protocol prohibits antacids like tums, Malox, etc.  He felt bad until he was finally able to sleep by 8:00 a.m.  His trial nurse was on the floor and said he could have simethicone, for any gas in his stomach. 

The nurse practitioner, the infectious disease doctor, and Dr. Sekeres made their rounds later.  Based on the recommendation of the infectious disease doctor, they want to try a "better" type of anti-fungal drug that is stronger, but with less side effects, hopefully, called Posaconazole.  This can be taken by pill and would allow immediate release.  Dr. Sekeres would like him to be on it a day or two to see how it effects the bilirubin.  Unfortunately, they had already given him the Micafungin for the day and didn't want to double dose him.  So, tomorrow morning they will give him the Posaconazole and then check his numbers early Monday morning.  Either way, he should be able to go home (Please???); either with the home healthcare set up at home for the Micafungin or with a prescription of Posaconazole.

He ate very little and slept almost the entire day. I was restless and wishing I had someone to talk to something diverting (besides homework) to help pass the time.  The Cleveland Clinic, while like a bustling city during the week, is dead during the weekend with half of the limited restaurants here closed.  I ordered some hot Chinese take out that delivered to the hospital and watched the Ohio State Buckeyes whip up on Rutgers, until that wasn't even fun anymore!  I'm afraid that was the highlight of the day.

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