Friday, December 11, 2015

End of another year: We are blessed!

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted, but I'm finished with graduate school finally! 

Todd is doing so well!  I had to fill out papers for his Social Security Disability Review and write down all the dates, places, tests, biopsies, ER visits, hospitalizations, etc.  It hit me anew: What a rough year this has been!  

While recalling these struggles, I couldn't help but cry, but I'm so thankful he is alive and having a good quality of life. Things looked so bleak January through April.  He had so many CBCs and transfusions during those months. He was so weak and tired. I was so tired. Our financial resources so thin. How did we get through it: Faith, Hope, and Love. 

I can't begin to thank so many of you for your prayers, help, donations, gift cards, food, gas cards, and those faithful friends  who called and visited us whenever possible, like Pastor Chuck Moore from Hillside Chapel. Such a faithful servant of Christ. And friends like Darsie, Dana, Pam, Vicki, Donna, Chris and Lynda, and my parents and family, who went beyond kind words and stepped in with their time and hard work.  Oh, and we have 3 amazing Kids who have been loving and supportive even though these hard times have shook up their world. Love you Abby, Lewis, and Ellie!

I noticed on my "Time Hop" app yesterday, that I was thanking whomever was sending us gas cards anonymously, and I'll be blessed, they still are sending them a year later!  We just received one this week!! How blessed are we! And how much love and faithfulness do these servants of Christ have?  

A friend sent me an IM today offering  me encouragement. She encouraged me not to loose my faith, that God has a plan. I have to admit I have had more doubts than ever before in my lifetime, but the faith and encouragement of others, that I know God has been able to use, had sustained me. 

We have seen so many ups and downs, shared in the struggles of our friends  in their own fight against cancer, even loosing our friend Rick to cancer on Todd's birthday on May 9, 2015. Knowing others have suffered relapses and set backs too, like Jim and Jeff. Sometimes you wonder if it is just a matter of time, but then we have times where we can rejoice with those friends like Ron and Nancy, who have had successful transplants and remain disease-free!  

I was fearful after Todd's hospitalization in  October with the cold and pneumonia, not to become to complacent in our fight. Yet, once more I feel optimistic that he has come this far and we will continue to fight and live our lives to the max. 

At this Christmas Season, I'm so happy to say we are blessed and continue to look forward to a healthy new year with our family. We are anxious to spend some special time together with our children and family. 

Merry Christmas and may God bless your new year! 

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