Tuesday, May 6, 2014

1st Day of Outpatient Treatment: May 5, 2014

Todd started his first day of Vidaza. It is given for seven days in a row, usually beginning on a Monday and going through Friday the first week. Then finishing the last two treatments the following Monday and Tuesday. Then the patient needs to wait 28 days before they are eligible to begin a new cycle. How many cycles of Vidaza a patient should have varies depending on the patient and what stage or risk level they are at.

Right now Todd is only scheduled to do one round.

At first he was concerned with the dosage. The doctor prescribed 165 mg. Todd had read on the Vidaza website that all beginning doses start at 75 mg.

So, the nurse verified the dosage. It is 75 mg/meters squared according to your body mass. The 165 ml was the correct dosage according to Todd's height and weight. 

The Vidaza was administered through a IV with saline solution. They put a IV port into the front of his left forearm. This port will stay in until Wednesday, when it will be replaced with a new one. 

Side affects: he was tired and took a nap; his extremities felt cold, and then he woke up very hot, but not sweating. By late afternoon and throughout the evening he complained of a dull headache. 

He was told to drink lots of liquids to help flush out the chemo and to eat as normal if possible. 

More about Vidaza:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing an informative and useful post on Outpatient Treatment.
    To Know more Information Click on Here: Outpatient Treatment.
