Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Second Day of Vidaza treatment

Todd has had a headache since yesterday, but still has his good sense of humor. When the nurse came to administer the Vidaza she put on rubber gloves and a paper clothing cover gown. Todd's response was, "Wow! You're going all hazmat on me!"

She said yes!  Seriously, they did go through the protocol of dealing with the toxicity of the chemo as it gets flushed out of Todd's body. Basically, the chemo will be filtered out through his bodily functions: urination, bowel movements, and even sweating. This is especially true in the first 48 hours. 

He has to be careful urinating, sitting instead of standing to avoid any splashing. Then he must close the toilet lid and flush twice. The same with passing feces. 

Any vomit or any other fluids must be cleaned up with rubber gloves. Any dirty linens must be washed twice in the hottest water. This includes sheets from any night sweating. 

I told the kids not to use our toilet or lay on our bed during treatment just as a precaution. 

Todd, said great, this stuff is so toxic I have to take all these precautions, yet they are putting in my body!  And, the nurse said don't even think about now all these toxins are in our water!  Todd said, "No wonder I'm sick!  I'll be drinking that water in a few days."  Sad, but likely true. 

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