Friday, October 10, 2014

Day +22 Discharge Day: Outta of here!

Todd with one of his nurse's Marissa. She was his nurse during the transplant day. 
Todd with PCNA Shawn. 

We were so excited to learn that Todd's platelets not only held above 13,000 but went up to 14,000!  His white count jumped from 1,070 to 7,410 with the help of the Nepegen they gave him the day before. His Hemogloblin was at 8.9. So no transfusions were needed!!! 

It took some time to get everything signed. So we said goodbye to the PCNAs and the nurses that we could say goodbye to that day and took a walk down the halls. We left about 3:00 pm. 

On the drive to the hotel I was so excited for him to see the beautiful fall colors but when I tried to point them out he was dozing off!  (Poor guy!). We arrived at the hotel about 4:00 pm. He promptly fell into bed for a nap while I unpacked, organized his medications, and put his hospital visits into our calendars. 

I made a simple dinner at the hotel of turkey burgers, cut up potatoes baked until crisp in the oven, and mixed vegetables. He ate very well!  He took his medication and we watched TV and lounged around. It was a relaxing evening. 

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