Monday, October 13, 2014

Day + 27: Frozen Shoulder side effect

Today Todd saw the bone marrow transplant doctor. Everything has been going well, except for Todd's shoulder pain. Todd has been experiencing terrible shoulder pain since about 4 days before he was discharged from the hospital. At the time, they said he could have been caused by the Neupogen infusions they were giving him, but we kept thinking it was from laying in the bed or sleeping on it wrong.  He even considered deterioration from playing sports.  They treated the pain with oxycodone since he is not allowed to take any anti-inflammatory medication like Ipuphron. We thought it would go away...

But it hasn't. Instead, it has only gotten worse in the last few days. He has very limited mobility of his left arm. He can't raise it up at all and when he tries he is in excruciating pain. So, we brought it up to the doctor again today, and she said it is likely "Frozen Shoulder" and that it was likely caused from the Neupogen. I had never heard of it before so I looked it up online.

It can occur after a serious medical condition. I also looked at the side effects of Neupogen and it said that muscular problems have occurred about 22% of the time in studies and it occurs in the left shoulder (exactly the shoulder and arm that hurts Todd). Todd thought it was his rotator cuff, but we ruled that out too because it was his left arm, not his dominant pitching/throwing 
right arm. 

So, what happens now?  They are setting up appointments for an X-ray, Orthopedist, and physical therapy to confirm the diagnosis and to receive treatment to loosen up the joint and thereby relieve his pain. However, I'm afraid this is going to take weeks or months or possibly longer to resolve. 

We will keep everyone posted. Please pray that he can see a specialist soon and for pain relief. 

More information


  1. People are suffering from the same problem but we wish good luck to Todd and pray for early recovery and hope that his pain will get relief with the help of acupuncture treatment.

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