Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day +33. One third way through recovery

Last Wednesday's  and Friday's appointments were uneventful which equals great news!  No fluids or transfusions were needed. We were in and out in less than 2 hours.

Blood counts on Friday, October 17, 2014:  Hemoglobin 10.3, white 2,900, ANCs 2,150 and Platelets at 28,000. He still has a way to go until all of these numbers make it into the normal range. Right now, only his ANCs are officially in the normal range; all others still considered low. 

Update on Todd's frozen shoulder:  It has improved with hot showers, messaging, and the heating pad. His range of motion has increased but it is not back to 100%. He has a MRI scheduled on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. 

He developed a light rash on his face and neck on Tuesday, which is a sign of Graft versus Host disease. The nurse coordinator is not concerned about it at all. We were told to treat it with hydrocortisone cream for now and to be sure that Todd wears sunscreen everyday. Sun exposure can bring out GvH of the skin even on cloudy days. So we have added sunscreen to the morning regimen. 

We had visitors from home this weekend.  This was such an encouragement and blessing. Jeff, the associate Pastor of our Church, Hillside Chapel, treated us to lunch on Friday afternoon. It was so nice to talk about everyday things and to have prayer with him. 

Then, our three daughters came up for the weekend. We went to Little Italy for dinner and dessert on Friday night. 

On Saturday, we slept in and I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Then we went to the Cleveland Art Museum for the afternoon. It was amazing. We have all been to great museums like the Louvre in Paris and The British Museum in London; We didn't get to see everything, so we definitely would love to go back. We finished the day with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and the girls had Menchies frozen yogurt for dessert. 

On Sunday, we enjoyed pan chocolat and then drove down to Bay Village to get a look at Lake Erie. After that, we did some eating, walking, and shopping at the Beachwood Mall. It was a great weekend. Being around our daughters was so much fun!

Todd has a treatment and a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and afternoon. 

1 comment:

  1. From photos I see that recovery is going good! I wish an good and fast recovery for you guys!
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