Monday, January 5, 2015

Dayton Doctor appointment scheduled

Todd didn't go into have his CBC blood work done today.  His local oncologist wants to see him, so he is going to do both tomorrow, Tuesday, January 6, 2015.  We are supposed to get a fair amount of snow tomorrow, so I'm hoping it won't hinder us getting to the appointments.  We aren't sure if he is needing transfusions or not. 

His frozen shoulder has been given him a lot of pain the last few days.  He has very limited mobility with it, making it hard to dress, drive, or even open a car door.  He's tried heat and a little message, but we have to be careful because his platelets are so low (bruising or bleeding concerns).  He is trying to do some of the exercises he learned from the physical therapist when this first happened.  We were thinking back to when this first occurred and it was at a time when he was getting platelet and blood transfusions.  So, we aren't sure if there is a connection between the frozen shoulder flare-up and the transfusions or maybe even the very low blood counts. 

I will have another update after we meet with the appointments tomorrow. 

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