Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Second Round of Vidaza begins

On Monday, January 12, 2015, Todd started his second round of Vidaza chemotherapy post-transplant. His blood work results were mixed. His hemoglobin was at 8.0, right at his threshold for needing a blood transfusion. However, his platelets rocketed to 116,000!  This is likely from the first round of Vidaza. I remembered that his platelets went up after his first or second round of Vidaza he had last year before the transplant. His white counts were still a bit low at 1.3. He decided not to get a blood transfusion that day because he still had some stamina. So, they are going to collect another CBC on Wednesday to see what his hemoglobin is then. It is likely he will need to get a transfusion then; he will get his chemotherapy and then head to the hospital if that's the case. 

He announced today that he has lost another six pounds. He felt nauseous and had an upset stomach and bowels all weekend. He was concerned that he was trying to fight off a virus, but luckily there was no fever. He still takes his anti-viral medication twice a day. I've broken out a set of paper masks as the girls have been pretty congested lately. We don't want to take any chances. 

Overall,things are going well and we are encouraged. We received a call from the local incologost's office, informing us that we may be eligible for assistance in paying for his Vidaza. It's a new calendar year, therefore we have to start over to meet our deductible. We sent them the required paperwork and received word that he qualified. We don't have to go through paying first and submitting claims; their office handles everything!  Praise God. 

Meanwhile, I have returned to substitute teaching a few days. I also started my graduate online classes through Kent State on Sunday night and I think they are going to be manegable. I've received one "sorry you didn't get the job" letter from the University of Dayton for a part-time library research job I applied for some time back. Nothing makes you feel so miserable than receiving one of those!  I'm trying to remind myself that it just wasn't God's will for me to work there and he closed that door. 

On a more positive note, I did get a call back from Fuyao and the Ohio Means Job Center to take a skills/basic academic test last Saturday morning.  I think I did well, but there are hundreds of people applying. It is a far cry from an academic or library job, since the opening is in Production/Factory work, but I'm open to anything right now. 

In the meantime, I've got plenty to handle for now. Please continue to pray for God's will in all of this:  

Todd for healing and successful treatments. For the doctors making treatment decisions. 

 For me: to get through my classes,to balance work/school/home. For a job to open when the timing is right.

For Abby, who went back to classes at The University  of Cincinnati  this week. She's trying to balance schoolwork and volunteering to fulfill the requirements of her scholarship. She is also bouncing between life there and what's going on here at home.

Hannah has been trying to complete her college applications which have been quite involved since she has to upload her portfolio of artwork for each one. She has exams this week and hasn't felt well. She begins taking art lessons in February  at the Dayton Art Institute through a scholarship she was awarded. Applying for colleges in time to be considered for merit scholarships has been taxing. Pray she can get them done soon and still balance school. 

Ellie has exams this week too. Her club volleyball season begins this Saturday with a long all day set of scrimmages. The season is full of Saturday all-day tournaments. I have been out trying to find businesses to sponsor advertising for the club volleyball yearbook, so we can reduce our costs, but so far I've haven't got anything definite. 

As you can see we all have a lot going on and the added energy needed to fight this Cancer and financial hardship has been more than challenging. We need your prayers. Thanks for your support. 

My inspiration this week: Song by Jeremy Camp, "He Knows."  Check it out on YouTube. 

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