Monday, January 5, 2015

Specific Financial Needs and Update: Advertisers

Thanks for all of those who are still sending funds and gift cards to help bridge the gap until we receive his first social security disability payment in April. I'm still looking for a job and I wouldn't turn anything down and this point. So, if you have an job opening at your place of employment, please let me know. I'm ready to start back substitute teaching. So far I have two dates set-up to sub. I think I am ready to go back to school this semester too. Two classes Jan 12-March 22. It will be tough, but I need to finish this degree If I want to get a better job. So, please be praying for this.

Also, we have a specific need: Ellie has made a club volleyball team and we need to make the final payment to allow her to keep playing. If I could get a few people who own their own business or in charge of advertising to advertise in the Dayton Junior's Volleyball Photo Yearbook, it would subsidize what we owe. Every dollar we receive in advertising credits her fees dollar for dollar. We need $500 by February 1. Sure, this is a luxury, but we hate to penalize Ellie for all her hard work in making the team. We aren't asking for any cash donations, just advertising. Here is the advertising price sheet and what the yearbook looks like:

 Thanks for your help. 

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