Friday, December 5, 2014

Day +80 Good end of a discouraging week

Monday's doctor appointment (December 1, 2014) and blood work left me discouraged. His white counts dropped to 2,440; hemoglobin dropped to 9.9; and platelets to 32,000. This news combined with last weeks' chimerism results left the doctor concerned too. She said they were going to schedule a bone biopsy, but as of this posting we have not heard from the scheduler. The doctor also discussed using a dose of steroids if his chimerism continues to show increased cells from the original bone marrow and dropping counts. She said this treatment is "somewhat controversial" but didn't say why. 

While the latest chimerism results were not back that day, Todd received a call on Tuesday from his nurse coordinator that his cells from his original bone marrow had increased to 60% which means his brother's donated cells were only at 40%. On Monday, the doctor told Todd to cut back on his Tacrolimus/immunosuppressant to every other day starting Wednesday. However, after the chimerism results were back the nurse instructed him to terminate the medication starting that day. It is the doctor's hope that removing the immunosuppressant will stop suppressing Todd's new bone marrow and allow it to take over and increase. 

Tuesday night I had hit an all time low. I was so concerned that these results were indicating a bone marrow transplant failure or a relapse in his disease within the 100 day critical period. But after pleading with God to turn things around I began to believe it would happen. By morning, Todd and I were both on the same page. We were going to expect the best to happen!! We decided to ASK God for healing and a change in his numbers, we agreed to BELIEVE it, even visualizing Tom's donated marrow engrafting in Todd and seeing it make healthy cells. Then we both decided to have FAITH that Todd was going to be healthy again; that God was going to answer our prayers. 

Every day since I have been enjoying living life with Todd to the fullest. I decided that I would do whatever it takes to get Todd the best care and treatment even if it meant going to another Hospital for a second opinion (if it comes to that).

We drove up to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment on Friday (December 5) praying for good news with his blood work. We were not disappointed! Not only were his blood counts stable but we saw a slight increase in all three cells. White counts were 2,700. Hemoglobin at 10.0 and platelets at 33,000. No transfusions were needed. 

We are going to stay positive and expect the best!  We continue to pray. 

This week the same word keeps coming up from the scripture:

Be of good courage. And he shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24

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