Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day +100: Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!  Today is Day +100 post bone marrow transplant. With a successful transplant, the critical period would be over, the disease would be gone, and Todd's counts would be up in the normal range or very close to it. We would only be doing routine follow-up appointments. But this isn't what happened...God has another plan in store for Todd. So, our journey doesn't end here. We will continue fighting MDS longer.  

We are thankful to be home with family. We had dinner with Todd's mom on Tiuesday, December 23. On Christmas Eve we went to have dinner and a gift exchange with my family. Today, we were woke up starting at 7:15 a.m. by our teenage daughters!  (Some things never change!). 

Tomorrow morning Todd will have his blood work drawn here in Dayton to make sure he doesn't need any transfusions. If he does, we will need to go to Miami Valley Hospital or another hospital for whatever transfusion he needs. If nothing is needed, we will return to the Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 for treatment and an appointment with his regular BMT doctor. 

May God Bless you!  We hope you had a Merry Christmas!  

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