Monday, December 22, 2014

The "Todd Cade Care Fund" and the "Praying for Todd Cade" Facebook Page

Last week (Dec. 15-19, 2014), Todd finished up his first weekly treatment of the chemotherapy Vidaza in Dayton since the relapse of his MDS post-bone marrow transplant.  He did well, experiencing minor side effects of nausea and fatigue.  He had held most of the blood cells from his blood transfusion on Friday, December 12, 2014. 

We have received numerous checks, cash, and gift cards from friends and family the past two weeks which has been HUGE blessing to us!  However, others have asked how they can help from a distance or anonymously, so on Friday, December 19,  I went to PNC Bank with my parents to help set-up a bank account for people who wish to make donations to help us with our finances during this medical crisis.

Right now, anyone can make a donation in person at any PNC Bank Location or mail in their donation to the account:


Please be assured that we will be good stewards of any gifts received.  Please know that these funds will not only be used for medical expenses, but also for living expenses such as mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, and the like.  Since Todd and I have both been unable to work, we have been limited to the modest monthly payment from Todd's private disability policy. 

Be assured too that we are doing everything possible to reduce our expenses.  Just this week, we sold one of our vehicles to provide funds and to decrease our insurance bill.  God be praised!

We have been approached by some of Todd's former classmates about holding a local fundraiser for him in February, 2015, but we are waiting for a date confirmation.  Details will follow.  A few others have also volunteered to set-up an online donation account such as "Fund My..." or a Paypal account, but this is still in the works and may not be up and running until after the holidays. 

We are humbled by your kindness and generosity.  It has been harder to be the "receivers" of such blessings than the givers. 

To extend the number of people we can reach with Todd's updates and news, our daughter Abby has created a Community FaceBook Page called:


If you are on Facebook, please go to this page and "Like" it if you want to receive regular updates or quick posts via your news feed.  So far, he has 177 Likes!  Thanks for your interest and support. 

For those of you NOT on Facebook, don't despair.  I have every intention of maintaining this blog!  I'm so happy to hear people tell Todd or I that they follow the blog and are grateful for it.  Sometimes, I think it helps me more than just providing information to you, but I'm glad people follow it.  This past week, I have learned from many of those who have shared their experiences with battling cancer and this has been so encouraging!  Thank you for taking this journey with us. 

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