Friday, December 26, 2014

How to Stay Positive: What we have been reading.

Many of you have been so happy to see Todd in such good spirits.  Not only is this because of his faith in God, and his belief in the healing power of prayer, but we both have been doing some reading to keep our minds from wondering off or getting negative!

So, here is a quick annotated bibliography:

1.  The Bible: of course!  I've been finding comfort in the Psalms.  But, its all good!
2.  The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  This book is great for teaching yourself to control your self-talk and your thoughts.  There is great spiritual insight too.  While he refers to God and Jesus' teachings among others, you can apply his suggestions and see how much they are in harmony with scripture.

3.  The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson.  Our church had read and studied this collectively at one point, so I decided to re-read it.  It has reinvigorated me in how to pray and expect answers!

4.  The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.  Teaches to believe that good things will happen and to expect them.  The principles here are in harmony with what scripture teaches us, "You have not, because you ask not."  Having the Faith of a mustard seed, etc.

5.   Miracles by C.S. Lewis.  Need I say more?  For those of you who didn't know, C.S. Lewis, an avid scholar, was originally an atheist (since the age of 15), but became a Christian in spite of himself-unable to fight his conclusions that there is a God. He explores the existence of miracles in this book.

6.  Seeing the Joy in Affliction by Michael Shelley. This professor and Christian cam to speak to our congregation years ago. He was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor but God had taught him so much that he wrote this book and used every opportunity to share it. I bought the book then even though I couldn't relate to it at the time; but it is a blessing to me now. 

If you have some suggestions, please feel to comment to this post!  Thanks!

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