Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 19, 2016 Rush to ER with Fever and Re-Admission!

It's been the worst, most stressful 24 hours since all this started 4 weeks ago. As soon as we got discharged and settled into the hotel last night Todd got the chills and spiked a fever. Had to rush him to the ER. Luckily, his cousin Denise brought us a car to use just hours earlier. We spent all night in the ER until they got us into a room. Only slept few hours.

I had to go back and get all of our stuff out of the hotel before check out time, but I forgot to grab his "My pillow" from the hotel room. By the time I called and drove back there it was mysteriously gone. Obviously someone took it. Who takes a sick man's pillow? I guess someone at the disgusting Econolodge we had to stay; where homeless people were camped out with shopping carts and sleeping on the ground all around the hotel. I've cried the last two days especially since some people in our lives can only be cruel and hurtful and because I'm too tired and emotional to cope with people.

Todd is still running a fever. It has gotten as high as 103!  The doctor came in and said, "You could fry an egg on his stomach!"  We still don't know why. Thanks to all who have been praying and donating. We really need your support. 

Luckily, I am able to keep all of the things we don't need in the car, in the parking garage.  Parking here is $12 a day, which can add up if we would be admitted for long.  I went to the Social Work Department and complained about the hotel.  I said that the department should not use that place!  Patients and families are already stressed out enough without having to deal with being scared to walk down the road to get food or have to deal with people stealing. 

Before we got the car, we had to take the hotel shuttle to get there.  It was free, but we it took us almost an hour to go 2 miles down the road, because it had to stop and pick up other people from three other hospitals nearby.  Todd was nauseous and could barely handle the bumpy ride. 

If you are reading this blog, and need to stay near MD Anderson, let me tell you to avoid staying near the NGR Stadium/Old Spanish Road area.  While there are shops and restaurants nearby, there are homeless people everywhere, most of whom will come up to your car window to beg for money.  I walked nearby to get us dinner the night we were there and had to pass homeless people sleeping on the ground near the sidewalk.  It is sad; I'm not angry with these people, but I have to admit that it makes me feel unsafe.  I'm already stressed and trying to navigate unfamiliar territory; I need to feel safe. We will definitely be finding another place to stay, even if we have to pay full price for it. 

Some of you recommended the Rotary House Hotel, attached to MD Anderson.  It looks great, but I fear it is too expensive even if we could get a reservation there.  From I could tell when I looked online, it was booked for weeks/months. 

The city is aware of the homeless problem and working to address it, but it looks like a solution is far away:

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