Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 21, 2016

Things settling down a bit. Yesterday was a rough day.  Todd had a 103 fever and felt hot and lethargic to the point that he couldn't stay awake. I was so worried about him, because it was very hard to rouse him.  Once the fever was gone he felt some better. They moved us Transplant Floor on 17 back to the Leukemia Floor on 16 about 1:15 am this morning!  We have a very small room but hopefully we won't be here long. His counts are very low. Platelets have been 4,000!

Thanks to Kim Bird (my high school friend who lives in Ft. Worth, TX) and her husband John for running out and buying Todd a new pillow and delivering it to the hospital. So many of you have been extremely generous in your support!  We are so grateful. You are the driving force behind us. The wind beneath our wings when we are too tired to do anything but coast. And we are tired of being shuffled around; it's exhausting. It will be nice when we can find a place to settle into.

Todd's Room 1678 Second Admission

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