Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 16, 2016 Second LP and Intrathecal Chemo

Because the doctors rounded so late today, they are not going to release Todd until tomorrow afternoon, after they do his second Lumbar Puncture and Intrathecal chemotherapy.

Our social worker has a arranged for us to stay in a hotel nearby for 12 days.  Starting October 30, we will need another place to stay.  I think I found us a small apartment through Eagle's Life Ministries. It is still about 10 miles or 30 minutes away. So, we will need to see if that is close enough.  There are so many complications that can happen, I would rather be closer like 1-2 miles away, but I'm just not sure if we can find something other than a hotel.  Even the small efficiency apartment would cost us $900 per month. All the other places have a 2-3 month waiting list and a hotel every night could get expensive.  Praying for open doors and information.

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