Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day -7: chemotherapy going well

Today, Tuesday, September 10, Todd underwent his second day of the chemo drug Busulfan. I am so happy to say that after 4 rounds (of 16) he has NOT been suffering from nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite. As a matter of fact he has had a great appetite!  

He walked a lot today, read, talked with other patients, and called family. He is doing so much better than we thought he would. Although he has 12 more rounds of this drug and the other two chemo drugs, we are giving praise now. 

They also gave Todd a breathing treatment of albuterol to open his lungs and a medication called Pentamidine. This medication, we learned, helps to prevent pneumonia and lasts for about 1 month. They had to use this in advance because we think he has a bactrum allergy, and they won't be able to use it after the transplant. 

We have met many patients and/or their family members who are here after already struggling with the diagnosis of Acute Myleod Leukemia. Many had bouts of remission after chemo, but suffered relapses and ultimately had to get a bone marrow transplant. I am glad that Todd's MDS did not progress to AML.  This transplant should eliminate that fear!  

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