Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day + 7: Blood counts hitting their low

Todd has been doing as expected with no major complications. His symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue are expected during this time period. He has avoided the dreaded mouth sores from the chemotherapy until today. He has to perform a strict mouth care regime four times a day. 

His CBC blood counts have been slowly declining. Today, his platelets were too low and he had to receive a transfusion of platelets. This too is normal in this situation. It will not be the last transfusion he receives. Instead, he will be getting transfusions for the weeks and months to come. 

It is hard to read, but today his Hemoglobin was at 10.6. Normal for men is 14-18 gm/100. His white count is at 80 instead of a normal of 4,000-11,000 lcm. His ANCs were 0!  The normal is between 40-60. And his platelets were 8,000 instead of 150,000-400,000 per cm mm. 

Transfusions are given if: 
Hemoglobin 8.0 or below 

Today and yesterday he spent most of his time in bed. The doctors really push exercise though, even when the patients don't feel like it. Two days ago he walked on the treadmill and exercised on the sitting eliptical machine. He also has some stretchy tension bands to work his arms and upper body with. The doctor doesn't expect a regular "workout" but they do want them to walk up and down the halls at minimum when at all possible. This helps to keep them strong and in his words move the healing process along.

I've learned from Todd that if I walk with him, to always push his IV pole for him. This way he has more freedom and it gives him the illusion that he is not attached to it. So, if you are with someone with an IV pole, offer to push it for them, unless they need it to steady themselves. 

Thanks for all the texts, cards, and phone calls. If I had to ask for anything right now it would be to please be good and kind to my family at home, especially my girls. It shocks and angers me to hear that people are not being understanding and kind to them. Even though I've tried to communicate with Administrators, coaches, teachers, and those close to them, it still doesn't sink in!  I understand that it is hard to fully comprehend how we are feeling without walking in our shoes or being in the tramatic place we all are in, but it bothers me that people can't put their own selfish and power-hungry comments and attitude aside. 

So if you want to do anything for us right now, please, please be extra kind to my girls!  They are having a difficult time with this process too. Their dad is sick in hospital, hours away, and they can't see him often. (They haven't been able to visit him yet). Their mom is also far away and can't be there for them like normal. Their grandmother Donna mom has been a tremendous help and she is doing the best she can. She could use some encouragement instead of hassles. 

I am grateful for this support!  

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