Monday, September 8, 2014

End of Day-8 first day admitted

Todd has had good day of transitioning into his hospital life. He won't leave the bone marrow transplant floor until discharged in 4-6 weeks. 

The nurses are dealing with a slight allergic reaction from the medical dressing/tape they used (after surgery) on On his chest around the Hickman catheter, but Todd is not bothered by it. (See photo). 

They gave him Zofran, an anti-nausea about 8 pm and they began the first round of bone-marrow killing chemotherapy called Busulfan. This first dose will take 2 hour and he will receive it round the clock every 6 hours. 

To help with the side effects, they gave him a cocktail of pills: Dilatin, the anti-seizure medication; Protonix, for heartburn and upset stomach; Cipro, an anti-bacterial drug; Acyclovir, an anti-viral he will continue even after going home; and Actigal, which helps to protect his liver from the chemo. 

His blood counts were great going into the day: Hemoglobin 12.7; White Blood Count (WBC); ANC: 1.72; and a remarkable platelet count: 149,000. 

Next round at 3:00 am, Tuesday, Sept 9, 2014. 

He doesn't like his mouth wash regimen which consists of a rinse of baking soda and salt and then swishing and swollowing 5 cc of Nystatin. Which he says is thick and tastes nasty. He has to do this 4x per day. 

Overall, Day -8 very tolerable. 

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