Monday, September 15, 2014

Todd finishes all his chemotherapy. Day-2

Todd received his last two doses of Cytoxin on Satrurdat and Sunday, September 13 and 14, 2014. He suffered from some nausea and headaches but overall did felt fairly well. 

Here he is showing off the multiple bags of IVs: The Cytoxin, Mesna (a protective drug), and some sodium water, and sugar water that is used with the Mesna. 

They gave him plenty of IV fluids to flush out the chemo and protect some of his organs. He ended up with so many fluids that he was retaining water, which in turn caused him to gain 6 lbs in one day. So, to get this water out, they gave him Lasix, which made him have to urinate frequently. 

We were discussing the thought that this will hopefully be the last chemotherapy he will ever have!  

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