Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 0: Bone marrow transplant

Todd's brother and bone marrow donor, Tom checked into surgery around 6:30 this morning, September 16, 2014. He went into surgery around 7:50am under general anesthesia where they harvested his bone marrow. The harvesting went perfect, even though they had to increase Tom's intravenous fluids due to 2 drops in his blood pressure from the anesthesia.

They began Todd's pre-meds about 12:00. They gave him Benadryl (to prevent any reactions), Tylenol, and Solu-Cortef (a steroid).   

Tom came up to Todd's room after being in recovery at about 12:50 pm right before the marrow came up. We snapped a photo of then together with the bag if marrow. The transplant itself was started at 1:10 pm.

They collected 405 ml of bone marrow. A normal-sized collection. 

We are so blessed to have Tom to donate for Todd. We can't thank him and our Heavenly Father enough 

Tom was tired still from the anesthesia, but he was able to go home with his wife right after their visit. 

The infusion of the bone marrow will take about an hour and a half. Todd is sleeping now about an hour into the transplant. 

Check out these videos

PS. Todd's transplant infusion finished at 2:39. pm. 

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