Friday, September 12, 2014

Day -4: Todd finishes 16 rounds of Busulfan

Since admitted, Todd has been receiving Busulfan every 6 hours until 3:00 pm today until He completed the total 16 rounds.  

Until today, he has felt pretty well except for a headache. Tonight he has not had much of an appetite and is experiencing some nausea. 

For lunch he was allowed to eat a take-out pizza and some fruit from an edible arrangement sent from a family member which he enjoyed. His white counts have been high allowing him an exception to the rule of no food outside the hospital approved or pre-packaged food that can compromise his immune system. 

Note:  From here on out please don't send any fresh food or flowers to his room. Balloons, cards, silk arrangements or books are great alternatives. 

He will start his Cytoxin tomorrow at noon for two days. They will give him an EKG to check his heart before the Cytoxin.  Mesna will also be given to help protect the bladder, which will cause him to go to the bathroom every two hours at minimum. 

 He is feeling a little anxious, which is natural, because they are telling him that he is going to feel worse the next week.  No one wants to feel bad.  Of course anyone would feel anxious if you were told you were going to be very sick soon you would be expecting it!  

We are so blessed that we are here with a perfect match donor, never having Acute Myleod Luekemia, and having to back track. 

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